Sunday 2 January 2011

Two Epiphanies


It’s 6.10 AM; I haven’t got any sleep tonight, but I’ve just had an epiphany. Ever since starting my A Levels, I’ve had an internal struggle: what do I want to do at uni? English or Philosophy?
It’s clear to me now that I have to do PhilosophyI just have to. 


As a rule, face what seems even not in my favour. I can just imagine a reader of this looking at that and thinking, What?! That’s your almighty epiphany? But for me, it really is. It just sort of snapped perfectly in my mind. I think in the past a major thing that’d stop me from doing is the anticipation of failure. But now, it just hit me: revolution only comes about when people face what earlier seemed impossible or tremendously difficult. And I’m a revolutionist (not in the political sense; in a personal sense, i.e. I embrace change). Ah, this is why I love insomnia! EPIPHANIES.


  1. ahaha congrats on the epiphany! I have been struggling with a similar question, except I was just stuck without any options. I had no idea what I wanted to do at uni, no idea at all. But I am now applying for English, and yes there is a big factor of Oh dear God, what am doing? I'm going to fail this! but you just kind of have to go with it and hope it gets easier at somepoint...xx

  2. "you just kind of have to go with it and hope it gets easier at some point" -- that's something I'm storing in my head for rougher times in the future, aha, thanks.


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